On the night of October 24, 1916, ten men representing each of the various factions existing at the time at the University of Nevada and comprising men of all walks of college life, met together with the idea of promoting the common good. The consensus was that a force was needed to give the proper impetus to affairs of school life.

        At the time, a rivalry among the various groups threatened to supplant the steadfast loyalty to the university that all its citizens should unite in giving. It was evident that unless vital steps were taken at once, our community would become a collection of wrangling cliques instead of a united whole. Under such conditions, no progress would be possible. The very life of our university would be threatened. Realizing this, and bound by a pledge to work for the common good, these men founded this society in which all the component parts of our school may be represented around the council table.

       Coffin and Keys became a forum for campus leaders and influential figures to discuss issues that faced the campus. We have been accused of many things throughout our history but the men of Coffin and Keys remain true to the original aims and goals set forth by our founders over a century ago: Existing solely for the betterment of the University of Nevada.

       So then, why do we keep the veil of secrecy? Because only in darkness can the truth flourish. We have not always stood in the shadows. Our names used to be known by all and were displayed in the annual Artemesia Yearbooks. But eventually, the administration decided that it no longer felt able to share the truth without fear of consequences like expulsion from the University. Facing these implications for the criticism we publish in our newsletters, Coffin and Keys decided that our purpose would be better served if we became completely anonymous.